Goals and Objectives:

  • To attain excellence in healthcare delivery.
  • To develop quality professionals with credibility, integrity and ethical conscience.
  • To ensure high standards in teaching and learning with more emphasis on problem-based learning & evidence based dentistry.
  • To blend and apply clinical research and acumen.
  • To reach out to the community with a service attitude.
Name of the program Name of the course Course outcomes
4.5 BDS –   4th
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
  • The student should be qualified and capable to diagnose carious lesions and skilled to restore teeth with the right restorative material. The student should be able to understand the principles of esthetic dentistry.
  • Student should be proficient at pulpal diagnosis and perform vital pulp therapy
  • The student should be skilled with endodontic diagnosis; use of diagnostic aids and be capable of performing endodontic treatment to anterior teeth.
  • The student should update clinical skills and scientific knowledge by attending CDE programs
  • The student should be able to motivate patients on oral hygiene needs, and maintenance visits to the dentist. The student should exhibit high standard of professional ethics
Name of program Name of
Course outcome
8.1 MDS-
Conservative Dentistry &Endodontics
Applied Basic Sciences
  • The student should be competent at applying knowledge and skill of basic sciences in conservative dentistry and endodontics.  Should be capable of taking case history, perform diagnostic procedures, interpret relevant tests– both medical and dental and arrive at a diagnosis of the dental condition in d Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
  • In emergency situations the student should be able to provide basic lifesaving support.
  • The student should be capable of following all recommended infection control protocols in the dental clinic ad lab.
  • The student should exhibit high standard of professional ethical behavior and provide dental care regardless of social status, caste, creed, or religion of the patient.
  • The student should be capable of motivating the patient on maintenance of oral health, communicate on the various treatment options available and obtain informed consent.
  • Student should be adept applying at ethical principles in human and animal research in conservative dentistry and endodontics.
8.2 Conservative Dentistry
  • Student should be proficient in examination, diagnosis, and treatment plan in restorative and esthetic dentistry.
  • Should have expertise in performing all kinds of direct and indirect restorations, esthetic restorations, management of non-carious lesions, management of discolored tooth and minimal invasive dentistry.
8.3 Endodontics 1The student should be qualified on patho-biology of pulp and periapex, oro-facial dental pain emergencies, endodontic diagnosis, and management. The student should be competent in management of traumatic injuries, endo-perio lesions, endodontic retreatment, surgeries and challenging clinical cases requiring in comprehensive management.
  • Should be capable of differential diagnosis and recognize conditions that require inter-disciplinary approach and refer patient to the appropriate specialist.
  • Should be efficient in documenting patient records and monitoring the patient recall.
  • To upscale the knowledge and skill in restorative dentistry, esthetic dentistry and endodontics, the student should attend conferences and workshops.
  • The student should be able to conduct relevant research in basic science and clinical aspect. The findings should be presented in specialty conferences and publish it.