- AQAR 22-23
- Curriculum highlight cross cutting issues
- Curriculum planning & implementation
- Feedback Action taken report
- Feedback analysis report
- Institutional curriculum committee minutes
- List of courses with their descriptions - summary
- E-Domicile of the students enrolled from other states
- Annual calender
- Course outcomes for all courses
- Date of conduct of internal assesment examination
- ICT enabled tools
- Documents pertaining to learning outcomes and graduate attributes
- Examination reforms
- Extension & extramural activities
- Feedback report
- Graduate attributes
- List of teachers usig ICT
- Methods of assessment of learning outcomes
- Proceedings of parents teachers meetings
- Programme specific learning outcome and graduate attributes
- SOP of teaching learning method
- Teaching Learning Process of the Institution
- Webpage describing LMS academic managemnt
- E –Content Weblink 2023-2024
- Geotag Photos of PTM 2023-2024
- Details of Institutional social responsibility activities in the neighbourhood community during the year
- Details of the facilities and innovations
- e-copies of the award letters
- Link for funding agencies websites
- List of awards for extension activities in the year
- Available sports and cultural facilities - geo tagging
- Available sports and cultural facilities
- Documents related to updation of IT and Wi-Fi facilities
- General Campus Facilities 23-24
- geotagged pics of teaching-learning facilities
- facilities as per the stipulations of the respective Regulatory Bodies with Geo tagging
- List of available teaching-learning facilities such as Class rooms, Laboratories, ICT enabled facilities
- Log book or other records regarding maintenance works
- Minutes of the meetings of the Maintenance Committee
- List of facilities available for patient care, teaching-learning and research
- Abstarct Ussage 2023-24
- Data on acquisition of books journals Manuscripts ancient books etc., in the library
- Details of library usage by teachers and students
- Details of library usage by teachers and students
- Geo tagged photographs of library facilities
- Geotagged photographs of library ambiance
- library facilities
- List of attached teaching institutes and hospitals
- Audited statement of accounts of Alumni association
- Circular web-link committee
- Capability enhancement
- Copy of circular brochurereport
- Details of Alumni association activities
- For international student cell
- frequency of meetings of Alumni association with mom
- quantum of financial contribution
- Registration of Alumni
- Reports on the student council
- Vision and Mission documents approved by the college bodies
- Achivements which led to Institutional excellence
- Decentralization policy
- Decentralization Documents
- Minutes of College Council or other relevant bodies for deployment or deliverables of the strategic plan
- Organisational structure
- Strategic plan Documents
- Policy document on the welfare measures
- List of Beneficiaries of welfare measures
- Performance Appraisal System
- Policy on performance appraisal system
- Procedures for optimal resource utilisation
- Resource Mobilisation Policy document duly approved by college council or other administrastive bodies
- Documents pertaining to Internal and External Audits for the last year
- Audit Report
- The structure and mechanism for Internal Quality Assurance
- IQAC Minutes of meeting
- Agreements MoUS with government waste management
- Annual gender sensitization action plan
- Best practices page in the institutional website
- GEO Tagged photographs of water conservation facilities
- Geotagged photographs of the facilities for waste manegemnt
- Geotagged photos alternate source of energy
- Report on inclusive activty
- Weblink of code of conduct
- Evaluation of graduate attributes
- Geotagged images of objective methods
- Graduate attributes
- List of competensies
- List of seminars conferences workshops on eemerging trends
- List of teachers who participated in the seminarsconferences workshops on emerging trends in Medical Educational technology organized by the DEU of the College during the year
- Orientation CIRCULAR
- Orientation programe report
- Report on seminar on emerging trends
- Report on the list and steps taken by the College to measure attainment of specific competencies