AQAR 2020-21
- Curriculum Implementation
- Institutional & Departmental Curriculum Committee Minutes
- List of courses with their descriptions -summary
- Brochure orCourse content of Value added courses
- Sample of attendance registar and certificates
- Curriculum Highlighting Cross Cutting Issues
- Field Visit Reports with List of Students
- Feedback Action taken report
- Feedback analysis report
- Letter issued by State Govt. and Central Government
- Copy of the domicile certificate of UG & PG Students Enrolled from Other States
- Consolidated report of special programs
- Activities conducted for building
- Learning environment facilities with geo tagging
- Details of ICT enabled tools used for teaching and learning
- List of teachers using ICT enabled tools
- Webpage describing the LMS Academic Management System
- Log Book of Mentor
- Teaching Learning Process of the Institution
- Appointment orders of teachers
- Consolidated Experience certificate duly certified by the Head of the institution
- Reports of the e-training program
- Certificate of completion of training for development
- Academic Calendar
- Dates of Conduct of Internal Assessment Examinations
- Details of University of examination CIE conducted
- Number of grievances. Regarding university examinations internal evaluation
- Information on exam. Reforms
- Relevant documents pertaining to learning outcomes and graduate attributes
- Methods of the assessment of learning outcomes and graduate attributes
- Department wise course outcomes
- Course file
- Programme specific Learning Outcomes
- Proceedings of Parents Teachers Meetings
- Mentor Logbook or Student CPA Card
- Follow up reports on the action taken and outcome analysis
- Student Satisfaction Survey
- Fellowship award letter grant letter from the funding agency
- List of completed and On-going Projects Funded by Institution
- Geotaged photos of the facilities and innovation made
- Report of the WorkshopsSeminars with photos
- Web link of the approved code of Ethics
- Share the code of ethics of research clearly stating the claims of the institution
- Detailed program report for each extension and outreach program with specific mention of number of student
- Detailed program report for each extension and outreach program with specific mention of number of students and co
- Detailed program report for each extension and outreach program
- Activity Report under each MoU
- Certified Copies of Collaboration Documents and Exchange Visits
- E-copies of the MoUs with institution industry
- Number of classrooms and seminars halls with ICT enabled facilities
- The available TL facilities Geotagging
- Available sports and cultural facilities
- The facilities as per the stipulations of the respective Regulatory
- The list of facilities available for patient care, teaching learning and research
- Details of the teaching hospitals
- E-content resources used by teachers
- Logbook or other records regarding maintenances work
- Geo tagged photographs of library facilities
- Library Additional Facilities
- Geo tagged Photographs of Library Ambiance
- Learner sessions Library user programmes organized
- Technology Upgradtion
- Balance Sheet
- Policy for Maintenance and SOP for Utilization & Maintenance
- MOM of Maintenance Committee
- Available sports and cultural facilities geo tagging
- Detailed report of activities and list of students benefitted due to exposure to learning resource
- Details of Library usage by Teachers and Students
- Availability and Adequacy of General Campus Facilities
- Acquisition of books journals Manuscripts ancient books etc., in the Library
- Composition & Minutes of meeting of International Student Committee
- Detailed report of the capability enhancement
- Circular Brochure of programs conducted
- E-Copy of Appointment Letters and Self-Employed Proof
- Composition & Minutes of Meeting of Student Council & Student Welfare Committee
- Geo tagged photos of Student Council activities
- Frequency of meetings of Alumni Association with minutes
- Quantum of financial contribution
- Detailed Report on Alumni Association Activities
- Vision and Mission documents
- Achievements Which Led to Institutional Excellence
- Formation of IQAC and Committees
- Administrative Bodies Board of Management, Governing Council
- Organisational Structure
- ERP Document
- Screen shots of user interfaces of each module
- Resource Mobilization Policy Document
- Procedures for Optimal Resource Utilization
- Detailed program report
- Policy document on the Welfare Measures
- List of Beneficiaries of Welfare Measures
- Certificate of completion participation in programs
- Report of the workshops, seminars and orientation program
- Policy on Performance Appraisal System
- Performance Appraisal System
- Institution conducts Internal and External audit
- The structure and mechanism for Internal Quality Assurance
- Minutes of the IQAC meetings
- AQAR submitted to NAAC
- Annual Action Plan
- Specific facilities provided for women
- Geo tagged photos
- Geo tagged photographs of Water Conservation Facilities
- Videos of the facilities available
- Detailed Report with Photographs
- Institutional code of conduct and code of ethics
- Agreements MoUs with Government and other approved agencies
- Geotagged Photographs of the Facilities
- Best practices
- Institutional Distinctiveness
- NEET percentile scores of students enrolled and E- copies
- Curriculum of Training Courses in Pre- Clinical Labs
- Central Sterile Supplies Department (CSSD) Register
- Orientation Circulars
- Programme Report
- Report on the list and steps taken by the College
- Geotagged photographs of the objective methods used like OSCEOSPE
- List of Competencies
- Course file
- Dental graduate attributes as described in the website of the College
- List of teachers year-wise who participated
- List of seminars conferences workshops
- Geo tagged photos of seminarsconferences workshops